BSP is made up of industry professionals who have emerged from an engineering consulting background to provide a hands on service for the Condominium industry. Our theoretical and practical background from the engineering and construction disciplines have created the foundation of BSP. We strive to create the most effective solutions to our clients through our work with developers, consultants and trades.
BSP is in the business of resolving the root causes of any deficiency and provide solutions for efficient and prompt resolution. We act as a conduit between developers, trades, Tarion, consultants, property managers and the condominium board making us the most effective solution to any problem. In our current marketplace, at the pace of urban growth our services are ever so relevant in ensuring proper performance quality is maintained. Utilizing Building Science Professionals Inc. as your construction professional, provides you with a piece of mind that the project is handled professionally and on time. Our team understands all aspects of the building process and maintains a 100% success rate in mitigating conciliations and resolving specific issues. With proper knowledge, sound judgment and great partnerships we all succeed.